Thursday 9 December 2010

26. Going into puberty

After his shower, steaming with the fragrance of verbena, Little Hairy-Harry noticed that, hell’s teeth, but he felt a whole lot better!

‘You see, Yaya, I needed you. I needed to talk to you, to explain things. There have been changes in my life and I’m feeling lost.’

A little tear tricked down his squeaky-clean cheek. This time, leaving no trace behind it.

‘Poor little ding-a-ling! Come here and I’ll give you a hug. Poor thing. It’s not that bad. Your useless parents ought to have explained this all to you, yonks ago. It’s really quite simple, you silly doofus, you’re going through the grotty-spotty years... you’re growing up.’

At that very moment, Little Hairy-Harry  understood that his only family was right there. That the single person he could trust, the one and only he could rely upon, was his friend for life, Yaya.

‘Yayaaa! Don’t leave me, never ever again!’

From Little Hairy-Harry flooded all the tears in his body, and he bent, doubled over, over his dear, sweet friend. His tears flowed down the magnificent sheath of Yaya’s hair, leaving it unaltered in its sheen and colour. It didn’t even begin to frizz.

Just then, he felt the presence of somebody else nearby...

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